102 Ash St., Box 125
Bigfork MN 56628
102 Ash St., Box 125
Bigfork MN 56628

Powell Auto Services

Powell Auto - Bigfork, MN


Powell Auto Sales is a family-owned used car dealership as well as a full service auto repair shop. Darrel Powell has owned & operated Powell Auto Sales for 48 years.

Our full-time ASE certified technician, Tony Tucci, has been with us for 32 years. If you're looking for a vehicle, auto repairs, tires, Boss snow plows, etc.., look no further than your local Powell Auto Sales!

We also take special orders for a specific vehicle that you may desire. Call us 218-743-3795

Reach Out


Powell Auto Sales
102 Ash St., Box 125
Bigfork MN 56628

Contact Us